
Precision rifle sighting adjustment table
Precision rifle sighting adjustment table

See pictures below to understand what distance each dot/reticle is for. By “zero” we simply mean that you must make sure the top dot or reticle is properly aligned for hitting targets from the 20 yard distance once you do this, the remaining dots and reticles will be automatically aligned for their respective distances. Your goal is to “zero” the top-most reticle or dot for a specific distance (20 yards in almost all cases unless instructed otherwise by the crossbow manufacturer). The basic procedure is exactly the same for any scope you get, although you should check out our best crossbow recommendations to make sure the scope that comes with your crossbow has decent optics. The exact procedure for sighting a crossbow will vary slightly from scope to scope, as different models can have somewhat different adjustment knobs. The process of sighting a crossbow is very easy, though if you’re a beginner who’s never done it before you might assume otherwise. Also, please see our arrow drop interactive chart to get a feel for how differences in arrow weight will impact trajectory. You will not be able to properly sight your crossbow if you aren’t capable of shooting tight groups of arrows from a 20 yard distance “tight groups” means that arrows should be landing very close to each other – a spot around 2-3 inches across – regardless of whether they are landing in the bulls-eye or not. Important Note: if you are a rank beginner, we strongly recommend that you shoot 50-100 arrows before attempting to sight your scope.

Precision rifle sighting adjustment table